
Forest Observations

DESIGN: Zosia Warzyniak



make me! 2024


Forest Observations are a set of optometric exercises designed to encourage children to engage in regular visual therapy activities at home. The set takes the form of a game, making the exercises entertaining. The project involved developing the storyline, adapting the exercises, and designing the graphics for the set, which includes instructions, a progress poster, eye patches, square cards, a pointer, rectangular cards, card stands, a ball on a string, and packaging. The therapeutic aspect of the set was consulted with optometrist Rozalia Żak, while the visual aspects were consulted with specialists from the infographic’s studio at the UAP: Dr. Lucyna Talejko-Kwiatkowska and Dr. Agata Kulczyk. 

Forest Observations, design: Zosia Warzyniak / from designer’s archive

Forest Observations, design: Zosia Warzyniak / from designer’s archive

Forest Observations, design: Zosia Warzyniak / from designer’s archive

Forest Observations, design: Zosia Warzyniak / from designer’s archive

Zosia Warzyniak 

A Designer. She believes that design provides an opportunity to solve problems and bring joy. She tries to weave this way of thinking into her professional life and beyond. She holds a master’s degree in Graphic Design from the University of Arts in Poznan and a postgraduate degree in UX Research from Collegium da Vinci. Her designs have been recognized and awarded in various industry competitions, including: PGD Awards, Elle Młodzi na Start, AMS Poster Gallery, Maria Dokowicz Diploma Competition, Art of Packaging, etc. On a daily basis I work at in Poznan.